Maintenance Derived Forward Inventory (MDFI)
➤ Scheduled maintenance is vital to ensuring any running machinery is available and working smoothly. However, logistically supporting these tasks can be time consuming, expensive and impact maintenance periods without proper planning. Additionally, ordering spares, tools and consumables in isolation for a planned maintenance event often results in duplicated items or large package sizes (e.g. oils or tools), or a greater cost due to not buying in bulk. Finally, long lead time items can impact machinery uptime and affect products if not ordered in time. So how do we address this need?
Xpedite’s MDFI tool analyses a planned maintenance schedule and produces a pragmatic, cost effective, and robust logistical solution for all proactive maintenance tasks within a timescale determined by the customer. Spares, tools and consumables are identified and fed into a tailored algorithm that determines a date, location and maintainer based stock recommendation. That means the right items in the right place at the right time.